Pioneering ESG since 2019

At HV Capital, we aim to support entrepreneurs in their efforts to build innovative companies that will deliver outstanding results for our LPs. A few years ago, we decided to integrate ESG into everything we do. This approach was based on our conviction that all companies that want to grow significantly will need to take responsibility for their actions. 

Turning the flywheel of change

We're not claiming to save the world, but we're committed to doing our bit. With ESG by Design' at our core, we aim to make a positive difference, and we encourage the portfolio companies to do the same.

Embracing ESG by Design means bringing about a culture shift that cannot be reversed.

It can be a lengthy process requiring patience and a certain amount of humility. But make no mistake: it’s definitely worth the effort! ESG isn’t just an ethical choice; it makes sound business sense as it forms part of companies’ core culture and growth.

 That’s why HV Capital’s ambition is to fuel the ESG by Design flywheel of change in our market and beyond.

For this flywheel to turn faster, it's essential that we constantly learn by sharing ideas and experiences across all levels. HV Capital strives to support and contribute to this process by enabling the exchange of best practices. That way, everyone benefits.


We ensure that ESG considerations are part of our investment decisions while we consistently work on enhancing our own practices. This balanced focus helps us responsibly grow while aiming to create meaningful, sustainable value.


We strive to demystify ESG for startups. There is a lot of confusion about what it is and how to get started. ESG as we know it from public markets is not fit-for-purpose for startups. Yet, done well, it can drive value and set founders up for long-term success.


VentureESG and Included VC have played a key role in raising awareness of ESG in the venture capital industry. VentureESG provides a blueprint for ESG best practices and move the ecosystem towards ESG integration for long-term value creation while Included VC brings diversity to the VC industry.  

ESG Guide
Learn about our ESG initiatives.
Last update: 05/30/2023
ESG Report 2023
Our latest ESG report.
Last update: 06/15/2023