



Originally from France, Marie moved around her entire life. After studying political science and development studies in London, she spent the best part of her career in the UAE and Germany. Driven by her interest in politics and how policies impact businesses and wanting to do good, Marie pursued different careers.

In between stunts at the UNDP in the UAE and in the think tank world, Marie gained more than 10 years of experience in consulting. First, she worked as a political risk analyst for an internal business risk consultancy and then moved to the sphere of public affairs as she joined the Albright Stonebridge Group, former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s global strategic consultancy. In spite of working on fascinating and challenging projects, her desire to do good pushed her to train as an Ayurveda therapist.

This opened her eyes to how our modern lifestyles impact our health and the planet. As a consequence, Marie and her family moved back to Europe where they could adopt a more sustainable lifestyle.

Once in Berlin, after joining Joschka Fischer & Company, she co-founded her own company with the aim of finally marrying her corporate experience with a positive impact on people and the planet. Marie began doing small ticket impact investments as well as providing consulting services with a focus on sustainability. This is how she came to sustainable finance and realised the role that VCs can play in supporting the companies of the future to do business in a more sustainable manner.

Marie dedicates her spare time to her family. She loves cooking for them and reading. Her secret to recharging her batteries is to go foraging for wild plants and make natural remedies for her and her family.


One Data
DeSci Labs